Friday, December 4, 2015

Welcome to "Not Sorry", the blog that marks the day I am finally fed up.

I am 50 years old as of the day this blog was launched. I did not think I would feel like I do about my opinions until I was at least 70, but here I am. I am sick and tired (see how old I sound?) of everyone in the United States (where I live) being afraid to voice their opinions because someone might label them a bigot or a racist or a homophobe or (here's a new one) an Islamophobe or some other derogatory term. I am none of those things, thank you very much. I am, however, smart enough to recognize obvious truths when I see them. If pointing those truths out to you causes you to cry, whine, or feel offended then I am definitely not sorry. Grow up. If you don't like what you read here, guess what? You don't have to visit this blog. Go somewhere else like or or or I have no idea whether or not any of those domains actually exist. I hope not.

Politicians in the United States currently fall into two camps as I see it.

Camp 1 : The "We Are Superior to You Because We Care So Doggone Much" Camp

These are mostly Democrats, but some Republicans and Independents are in this pathetic group of posers also. Secretly, they really don't have a clue about where they stand and are intensely neurotic and insecure as a result. Publicly, they float around in the wind of public opinion trying to appease whatever special interest group currently has the floor of popular opinion. In general, most of the groups bowed down to by those in this camp are misguided at best or self-serving out-and-out liars at worst. Race baiters like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and other stains on humanity lead Camp 1 around by their collective nose and essentially tell them what to do - or else. Since no one in Camp 1 wants to be labeled a racist and - even more importantly - since they love to slap that label on anyone who dares to disagree with them on any topic, they will obey the race baiters. Camp 1 could come out and say something like, "We want to introduce a bill that would make it legal for cats to drive eighteen wheelers. And don't forget - we're part of the Rainbow Coalition!" So, let me think a bit. I don't really think cats can reach the pedals so it might not be a good idea to give them driving privileges, but gee, Jesse Jackson is part of this group. I can't vote against him because my skin color is not the same as his. That would make me a racist. OK - so breaker, breaker Garfield! We got ourselves a convoy!

Camp 2 : The "We Kind of Have A Differing Opinion But Since You Might Call Us Names if We Mention it We Will Just Cower Over in the Corner Like Frightened Hamsters" Camp

These guys make me sick. They actually know that it's wrong to allow felines to drive a semi, but they won't do anything to stop it because they are wimps. Oh they talk big.

"Vote for me and I will fight for you!"
"Give me the job and I will fight against the Washington fat cats and stand up for what you want."
"You know that law that passed last year that everyone knew would be a disaster and now is causing you all pain? Well, elect me and I will get it repealed!"

Blah, blah, blah.

These guys get elected and immediately clam up. Remember "Piglet" in the old Winnie the Pooh cartoons? "Oh, dear!" they whimper, wringing their tiny pink hands. "Oh, dear oh dear! I'd better not say anything. I might look like a racist. If that happens I'll never get re-elected next time around. I'll just shut up and take whatever is spoon fed to me."

As I write this, even though Camp 2 has numbers to overcome Camp 1, Camp 1 has the presidency - and the president is a black man. Oh wait! No he's not. He is a man of mixed race. Hey! That could be great! What a better way to help the amazingly bad state of race relations in the US than to have a mixed race leader tell us how we should all act as a single race of humanity and forget our differences. After all, he's living proof that we are all human and that race should not separate us into camps. That would be awesome, right? Yeah - it would. Too bad he's been slipping what appears to be an inexhaustible supply of race cards out of his sleeve to play at every turn. Anyone who dares disagree with him is immediately thrown into the bottomless pit of racist despair - even though 99.999999% of the time the disagreement has absolutely nothing to do with race.

Camp 1 guys love this situation. It gets them a lot of what they want without even really having to successfully argue any points at all. Camp 2 guys end up ticking everyone off back home due to their towering wussitude and end up getting run out of office anyway.

Well I am here to tell you as frequently as my schedule allows that I am in Camp 3.

Camp 3 : The "I'm Not Afraid to Speak the Truth and I'm Not Sorry if I Make You Cry" Camp

Here in Camp 3 I pull no punches. I don't give a crap about what Wolf Blitzer thinks - even if that is his real name. I could not care less about the opinions of Bill Maher, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Clinton, Buffalo Bill or Mr. Bill. (Gee whiz! I am old!) Camp 3 grows angry when Camp 1 rolls its eyes and says something profoundly stupid like, "Global warming causes terrorism" and then expects everyone to nod in vapid agreement without even questioning that logic. Camp 3 loses patience when Camp 2 rolls over and says something even more stupid like, "Camp 1 is right! Let's destroy all of the SUVs and that way we can end a fight that started thousands of years before mankind invented the internal combustion engine!"

So welcome to Camp 3 if you can take it. I'm sure I'll get a bunch of whiny, wimpy comments about how I'm a right-wing lunatic who believes in God and the rights of people not even born yet. Fine. Go ahead. You won't hurt my feelings. I'm not a Republican. I'm even less of a Democrat. I don't think I fit in any of those categories. I'm in Camp 3 and I am way, way past caring about how Camp 1 and Camp 2 feel about anything I say or believe. I am who I am. I DO believe in God. I DO speak for the unborn who are unable to do so themselves. I believe a lot of other things as well. Come back if you want to hear about them and join the conversation.